Climbing walls in Rzeszów

Where can you climb in Rzeszów?

An idea for this page

Here we want to collect information in English about places where you can climb in Rzeszów (Poland).

Indoor climbing

In Rzeszów there are four public open indoor climbing walls:

The climbing walls near Technical University (Politechnika Rzeszowska)

Technical University offers two climbing walls. Climbing walls have a dedicated website, where the main info is presented in English. The climbing walls you can find on Google Maps. Walls are open from October to June. During summer Holidays walls are generally closed. Exact days and hours are marked on the schedule. If the schedule is empty, walls are probably closed. Technical University offers two walls: small and big one. Small wall offers mostly top rope and lead climbing with rope but you can find also some place for bouldering. Big wall offers top rope, lead climbing and speed wall. Some wall related news (in PL) are presented on Twitter. If you didn't climb before consider climbing course as on the wall we assume that you climb before and you can belay.

FlyWall climbing centre

Flywall is the biggest climbing centre in Rzeszów. It offers traditional rope climbing and boulder wall. There are around 530 square meters of a big wall for rope climbing (both top rope and lead climbing). Wall is 11,5m high. Some lines offer automatic belaying machines (so you can be an asshole without partner and keep climbing ;) ). Boulder wall offers 230 square meters for climbing. There is also a fun climbing wall for kids and rope courses. The climbing wall offers courses, classes with an instructor and sections. Wall is placed on Siemieńskiego 14 street. More details you can find on

Peron Baltoro Climbing Centre

Peron Baltoro climbing centre is the biggest boulder wall in Rzeszów. Here you can find wall website. The place can be found near Rzeszów main train station (Google Maps link). The location itself is also a source of the name - "peron" in Polish means "train platform" and "Baltoro" is taken from previous climbing centre wall name. Unfortunately, there is no English version of the website and it is not always up to date, so you should look for more details on Facebook. Peron Baltoro offers great bouldering possibilities and a lot of training accessories like Bachar ladder, campus or system wall. The climbing centre belongs to Rzeszów Mountaineering Club. Probably the most climatic place to climb in Rzeszów.

Climbing wall near Rzeszów University

The climbing wall has no webpage. For more info, you should visit Facebook. It's hard to say when the wall is open. The schedule is not published and you should probably ask using Facebook. Wall is generally vertical (no overhang) and offers rope climbing. Climbing wall on Google Maps.

Mistakes & updates

If you find any mistake or want propose update please let me know. Feel free to open issue for this repository.

Keep on climbing!